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Yellow your Business

20 Years of JobRouter – Digitalization is Yellow!

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We’re celebrating 20 years of JobRouter! That’s 7,300 days of forward-looking ideas, 175,200 hours of unbeatable teamwork, and 10,512,000 minutes of pure trust from our partners and customers. We can’t wait to celebrate this joint achievement in 2023, our greatest success! 

JobRouter – how it all started

New software companies pop up every day. Most of them disappear just as quickly. However, JobRouter still exists, and we are better positioned than ever before. Clearly, time speaks for us.

As a software company, we appreciate these 20 years even more, because the way digital time moves is merciless. Andy Warhol’s “15 minutes of fame” have been reduced to an incredible 15 seconds online. Those decide who is going to make it or break it ion the big World Wide Web.

JobRouter – how it all started

New software companies pop up every day. Most of them disappear just as quickly. However, JobRouter still exists, and we are better positioned than ever before. Clearly, time speaks for us.

As a software company, we appreciate these 20 years even more, because the way digital time moves is merciless. Andy Warhol’s “15 minutes of fame” have been reduced to an incredible 15 seconds online. Those decide who is going to make it or break it ion the big World Wide Web.

Sing with us

JobRouter® song: Yellow your Business

What’s so special about JobRouter? Why have we been so successful?

Fritz-Jochen Weber, member of the JobRouter AG Supervisory Board
Fritz-Jochen Weber, member of the JobRouter AG Supervisory Board

“20 years of JobRouter. That sounds so great! But the fact that we have been on the market so long doesn’t surprise me. When the idea for JobRouter® came to us, we had already been working in the field of workflow management for a long time as a system vendor.  

On a daily basis, we saw the problems that systems available on the market could not solve – or even caused by their inferior quality. Therefore, the JobRouter® approach was a very simple one: to learn from practical experience and develop solutions for practical use”.   

Fritz-Jochen Weber, member of the JobRouter AG Supervisory Board 

The managing director at the time, Fritz-Jochen Weber, wasn’t satisfied with what was on offer on the market. No solution could do justice to his ideas of process-oriented digitalization. Hence, what was required of JobRouter® was revolutionary.  

There was nothing comparable back then

A system was required to connect... One that networked everything and yet remained remain open to individual adjustments and company developments. Simply designed, easy to learn and yet capable of complex workflows. There was nothing comparable on the market at the time. Even today, finding a solution that can compete with JobRouter® in all areas is tough. This guarantees our success for the next 20 years.

Fritz-Jochen Weber
Fritz-Jochen Weber
Supervisory Board
JobRouter AG

It was clear to him, that a new software was needed to overcome the challenges of everyday business with the help of digitalization and automation. In the end, the JobRouter® workflow management system came about from a small idea. Can you guess, whose it was?

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The first JobRouter® version showing a dashboard from 2004.
The first JobRouter® version showing a dashboard from 2004.

The managing board relied on their solution from the beginning, but it took a few years before the partner business and license sales could fully support the company.  

“The first customers opted for JobRouter® as early as 2003. For us, this marked the beginning of a long phase of transformation from a system house to a pure software manufacturer. On Partner Day 2013, this phase came to an end with the renaming to JobRouter AG.” 

Fritz-Jochen Weber, member of the JobRouter AG Supervisory Board 

So until 2013, JobRouter was in a balancing act between system house and software manufacturer. The company was classically positioned and tried everything to become stable, expand the JobRouter® system with functions, and win new partners as well as customers. 

Your own skills grow with the company

I've been on the team since before JobRouter even existed. I've been working here for 22 years now and pretty much everything has changed during that time: the company name, the orientation from a system house to a software manufacturer, the board of directors and the size of the company. It has multiplied! But one thing has remained the same: Good colleagues and interesting tasks. Also your own skills continue to grow with the company and the product.

Michael Ioshchikhes
Michael Ioshchikhes
Software Engineer
JobRouter AG
JobRouter Co-CEOs Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel
JobRouter Co-CEOs Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel

In 2015, former combined studies students Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel joined the management team. As Chief Product Officer and Chief Channel Officer, they not only helped to shape the direction of the technology, but the entire company. New departments and the development of an organizational chart with clearer structures and processes, as well as the expansion of the company's locations and office building, are just some of the developments towards becoming a dynamic, globally active software company. Not many have succeeded in this transformation, but JobRouter has been growing steadily since the decision was made! 

2016 saw a major technological expansion of the JobRouter® platform. JobRouter® 4 changed everything: the appearance, the operation, and the interaction possibilities. We evolved into a platform that connects everything in the enterprise. With the integration of JobData in 2017, the comprehensive approach to digitalization became more viable than ever. 

The possibilities offered by technological partnerships, add-ons and interfaces brought even greater flexibility and functionality to the digitalization of both simple and very complex business processes. JobRouter® now had all the tools to integrate more and more comprehensively into the company, all levels and departments. Our customers became more and more yellow!  

In 2018, Fritz-Jochen Weber withdrew from active management, but remained with JobRouter as a member of the Supervisory Board. Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel continued the successful course from then on as Co-CEOs. With their many years of expertise and unwavering motivation, they have moved many people and changed many things in recent years! 

The JobRouter logo has also evolved over time. For us, the new image logo embodies the essence of JobRouter process automation: Movement, lightness, and a “let’s go” approach!

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Working on, with, and at JobRouter in 2023

For JobRouter, the focus has always been on one thing: People. We develop software for people to engage in a more satisfied and happier working day. But we also develop with people and want them to feel motivated and work together just as happily. That’s what drives us and makes JobRouter® an even better solution. To achieve these core values on a daily basis and to raise quality at all levels, JobRouter has changed a lot going into 2023. 

I immedeatly took on responsability

I've been with JobRouter for five years now and I really appreciate the flat hierarchy. From day one, the interaction was very collegial and trusting. I immediately took on responsibility for my own project: the digitalization of the application process. It:s still running today! That makes me proud.

Fabio Volpe
Fabio Volpe
Product Support
JobRouter AG

We have expanded and integrated…

Top view of yellow shoes arranged in a circle.
Top view of yellow shoes arranged in a circle.

New departments

We have strengthened and restructured many departments: Product Management, Professional Services, Partner Management, and People Management as well as Customer Care. Other departments were added, such as the JobRouter Academy, Marketing and UI/UX. We have invested a lot in unifying our messages internally and externally.  

Romy Opitz, Head of Product Development & Product Management JobRouter AG

“We have grown, both in terms of the number of employees and in terms of our personality.” 

Romy Opitz, Head of Product Development & Product Management JobRouter AG 

Romy Opitz, Head of Product Development & Product Management JobRouter AG
Julia Kohler, Combined studies student at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences
Julia Kohler, Combined studies student at the Mannheim University of Applied Sciences

New training opportunities

Combined study programs have always been an integral part of the JobRouter philosophy, for example in the field of business informatics or applied informatics. We now also offer training opportunities through the Chamber of Industry and Commerce, a wide variety of student traineeships and internships as well as combined study programs in marketing and people management. Our students are supervised by training coordinators and pass through all relevant departments of the company – both in Germany and abroad!  

New working models

Full-time, part-time, working by the hour or even taking some time out – so much is possible with JobRouter. To promote the compatibility of family and work, our employees can work from anywhere in Germany and, for example, even bring their dog to work. 

Room to bloom

Covid-19 has not left JobRouter unscathed. Internal innovations have occurred, such as remote working. That isn’t going to change any time soon. And an internal communication platform has also become indispensable. I like the freedom and scope that I have to maneuver freely. Ideas are listened to and processed. There is a lot of room to bloom.

Ulrike von Trotha
Ulrike von Trotha
IT Administrator & IT Helpdesk
JobRouter AG

We have expanded and integrated a lot ...

Created a vision

JobRouter CEOs Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel explain the JobRouter vision in an interview: We want to make people in organizations happier! In the video, they reveal how this works and why everyone benefits.

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JobRouter team building on a high ropes course
JobRouter team building on a high ropes course

New initiatives for employees

In addition to the classics such as JobRun and JobLunch, we have created many offers over the years to support our employees. These include fruit baskets, JobRad, massages, sporting opportunities, training courses, and group activities away from the office.  

JobRouter® Cloud

New licensing models

JobRouter® technology is also designed to support the working methods and processes of every company. That is why we have continuously expanded the functions and collaborations and added new licensing models, whether that’s on-premises, from the cCloud, via app, or web-based. JobRouter® can be accessed anytime, anywhere, in 24 languages, and in any time zone. Through this approach, we inspire small companies as well as large global players and offer our partners a sustainable business model.  

JobRouter® Cloud
Vincent Pfautsch, Managing Director of PK Systems
Vincent Pfautsch, Managing Director of PK Systems

“Since we already relied on recurring cash flow models for licenses and services before we started working with JobRouter, we were able to integrate the SaaS model seamlessly. What’s new since 2022, is the internal SaaS product development, and we set it up based on JobRouter. For customers, this means even more service, yet with stable, fixed monthly costs.  

Given this more intensive support, the depth of integration and visibility with the customer, as well as customer loyalty, are usually higher. We hope this sustainable business model continues to generate great growth in the future.” 

JobRouter Partner Conference

Enhancing our philosophy

Our partner-first strategy has accompanied us since the very beginning and defines our collaboration with our partners. We want to establish an honest partnership where everyone benefits – sustainably. The fact that this approach is perceived and appreciated by our partners is shown not leastonly by the strongly growing and stable partner numbers. Without our partners, JobRouter would not be where we are today. That's why we want to send a huge thank you out into the world: We <3 you!  

JobRouter Partner Conference

You never have to say no!

Today, we are low-code, for an easy start and quick success, but also open and limitlessly extensible through our numerous APIs! That’s why you never have to say no to the customer: You can always find a solution to implement anything they need.

Romy Opitz
Romy Opitz
Head of Product Development & Product Management
JobRouter AG

JobRouter – quo vadis? What’s next?

Our JobRouter® digitalization platform now holds a strong market position. We can compete with the most important ECM, BPM, or content services platforms in terms of both functionality and handling. We have strong confidence in our offer and the capabilities of our platform, which always strikes a new chord with the times. Our customers are flexible, grow with their requirements, and complete their projects, thanks to JobRouter. That’s because we are ready to change and expand, and we will permeate the entire enterprise to enable end-to-end digitalization and automation. Nothing will stop us.  

What can clients, partners, and employees expect?

JobRouter Co-CEOs Axel Ensinger and Marcus Nagel look back at 20 years of JobRouter and reveal the direction they would like to take the platform in. 

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When a company grows as fast as ours, you quickly run up against capacity limits. More and more orders mean more and more employees. At some point the work has to be reorganized. With the JobRouter® digital process automation platform, we are well positioned for further growth. The user interface is so logical that training is actually not necessary. All locations are connected to JobRouter®, and we have many more ideas on how to automate processes and make our work easier.

Andreas Fürst
Andreas Fürst
Scooter Autoservice GmbH

So the future of business processes looks pretty yellow! Our customers and partners can look forward to promising technological enhancements, that we do not want to reveal quite yet. Our core competencies encompass the future of automation, artificial intelligence, decentralization, and consolidation. And we use them, day in and day out, for a happier working world of tomorrow.

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