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JobRouter Partner - itarius UG

Sales & support out of one source

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itarius UG, founded in 2018 by Roger Goetzendorff in the north of Munich, has set itself the task of closing personnel gaps in complex IT projects on an ad-hoc basis and thus guaranteeing their successful completion.

For this purpose itarius UG exclusively employs senior-level employees who have many years of experience in many projects.

It is very important to me that my colleagues are not one-sidedly focused, but have a broad technical and intellectual spectrum that allows them to assess requirements realistically and customer-oriented.

Roger Goetzendorff
Roger Goetzendorff
Managing Director
itarius UG
In addition, more and more skilled employees change pages and come to itarius.

This enables us to understand special departments that speak a particular language, such as HR departments!

Roger Goetzendorff
Roger Goetzendorff
Managing Director
itarius UG

As itarius UG pursues a kind of collectivist personnel approach, it is able to concentrate on the essentials, namely the interests of its customers. For the project result, this means that all the energy is projected onto it. Goetzendorff: "We consciously do without career levels and superiors. Everyone in our team is around 50 and no longer wants to waste their energy on rope teams and other small internal things. In addition, we have known each other for a long time. The perfect basis for the perfect team!

itarius UG entered into a dialogue with JobRouter, because they were looking for a solution that could build bridges to existing island solutions, seamlessly integrating into the existing structure and expanding meaningfully.  In addition, requirements for company-wide digitization projects had to be realized quickly and without time-consuming development work. JobRouter is predestined for this; the best BPM engine to be found - more than a million installations speak for themselves. Goetzendorff, among others 9 years owner of a software house in Milan and polyglott, especially welcomes the internationality of JobRouter:

Let's meet at JobRouter Partner Conference 2019

  • itarius UG

    Roger Goetzendorff
    Max-Born-Weg 37
    D-85748 Garching b. München
    Fon: +49.89.3859.1227
    skype: goedo2
    Fax: +49.89.3859.8866
    Mob: +

  • itarius UG

    Services for intelligent content management - DMS. You are a successful software vendor - We provide qualified experts for your installations and customer projects.

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